Installing/updating manually


Installing manually is complicated. Don’t attempt it unless you have no other option.


  1. Make a folder for your server. If you’re updating an existing server, delete PocketMine-MP.phar, any file called start, and the bin folder from the folder.

  2. Download the custom PHP binary for Windows here. Make sure you get the right version for your chosen version of PocketMine-MP (see below).

  3. Right-click -> click Extract All, pick your server folder and click Extract. Now you should have a folder called bin.

  4. In the bin folder, double-click the fole vc_redist.x64.exe, accept the terms and conditions, and install. This will install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, which is needed by the PHP binary.

  5. Download your chosen version of PocketMine-MP.phar and start.cmd from here and save them in your server folder.

Now you should be able to double-click start.cmd to start the server.


The following steps require you to use the Terminal.

  1. cd to wherever you want to put the server (e.g. cd /home/dylan).

  2. Make a folder for your server using mkdir (e.g. mkdir pocketmine). If you’re updating an existing server, cd directly to your server’s folder instead.

  3. Run rm -rf ./bin ./PocketMine-MP.phar ./ This deletes any outdated server files (don’t worry, your data won’t be harmed).

  4. Find the download link for the right PHP version for your OS. You can see a list of available ones here.

  5. Run curl -L <link to your chosen PHP binary> | tar -xz. Now you should have a folder called bin. Make sure you get the right version for your chosen version of PocketMine-MP (see below).

  6. Find the download link for your chosen version of PocketMine-MP.phar and here.

  7. Run curl -LO <link to PocketMine-MP.phar>.

  8. Run curl -LO <link to>.

  9. Run chmod +x ./`

Now you should be able to run the server by running ./


Make sure you know which binary to use for your chosen version of PocketMine-MP. Different versions need different binaries. You can get some information about this from the API.

Binaries have a suffix that tells you which PocketMine-MP version they are for. PM4 is for 4.x, and PM5 is for 5.x.

There are also different downloads different operating systems, different CPU architectures and different versions of PHP itself.

If you use the wrong binary, the server might not work.